Jodi Gibbs is a board-certified Physician Assistant with a social work degree and has been in practice for over 20 years. She has a passion for working with clients in recognizing how mental and physical health work in tandem to create the best quality of life.  Jodi values that each client’s circumstances are unique and feels it is important to recognize modifiable lifestyle risk factors for depression and anxiety, while also understanding there are times when medications are required to reach optimal mental health.  Her goal is to meet you where you are and work together to get results. She believes that managing mental health medications includes but is not limited to setting goals for treatment,  discussing side effect profiles of medications, and monitoring the success of treatment. She works in collaboration with her clients to empower them to reach their goals.  

Jodi does not prescribe stimulants at this time (such as Adderall,  Vyvanse, Concerta and Ritalin). Along with working with mental health medical management, Jodi (with her business partner,  Amy Durtschi) has created a Women’s Health program through  Enliven Health and Wellness and continues to work in a surgical oncology clinical setting. Jodi enjoys public speaking and community outreach (keynote speaker for Pink Ribbon Girls,  FORCE, Casting for Recovery and various cancer community support groups). She loves to snow ski, play tennis, and spend time with her family cooking and playing games.